The Ten-Point Grading Scale – Coming to a High School Transcript Near You

The last time you submitted assignments and received grades was likely in college or graduate school.

And most colleges and graduate schools award grades on a ten-point grading scale.

That same grading scale has been adopted by the State Board of Education for NC’s public high schools starting with next year’s freshman students.

The current grading scale uses a seven-point range for grades.

A = 100-93

B = 92-85

C = 84-77

D = 76-70

F = 69 and below

The new grading scale will use a ten-point range for grades.

A = 100-90

B = 89-80

C = 79-70

D = 69-60

F = 59 and below

Many school officials and students believe the move places North Carolina’s students on equal footing with other states employing a ten-point grading scale.  (High school GPAs are one of many elements considered by college admissions offices.)

Some concerns have been raised regarding courses that enroll students in multiple grade levels.  Will a freshman student in Biology who earns a 91 average receive the letter grade of A while a junior student with the same average earns a letter grade of B?  Such possibilities have some parents and students lobbying for an all-grade implementation of the policy rather than just beginning with freshman in the fall of 2015.

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