Non-Funding of Student Growth?

The superintendent’s proposed budget assumes that the state will fully fund student growth.

In prior years, student enrollment growth was automatically included in annual budget formation.   That is no longer the case.  A state budget must be adopted before districts will know whether or not enrollment growth funding will occur.

Here’s a short history of budget approval dates.  The 2014-15 state budget was adopted on August 2, 2014.  It was July 26, 2013 for 2013-14.  And just prior to the July 4th holiday weekend in 2012 for 2012-13.

Can you see where we’re going with this one?  Year-round schools begin school on July 7, 2015.  System administrators and principals are presently determining how many teachers they need for projected student enrollment.  A growing school may need additional teachers in a grade level or department.  The district is projecting a 2015-16 student enrollment of 158,175.  This is an increase of 2,991 students.

How do you plan for growth without the assurance of adequate funding?

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