Tom Oxholm has spent approximately 30 years guiding the family-owned Wake Stone Corporation as a vice president of finance. He works each day to keep the company on a positive financial track. His dedication to business is matched only by his commitment to education.
Tom founded the Wake County Business Education Leadership Council and was elected in 1999 to the Wake County Public School System Board of Education, serving a four-year term. He has worked with Friends of Wake County to support school bonds in 1996, 1999, and 2006. Tom co-authored A School District’s Journey to Excellence with former WCPSS Superintendent Bill McNeal. In 1998, WakeEd presented Tom with the prestigious Vernon Malone Friend of Education award in recognition of his tireless service to Wake County. He has been recognized as one of the area’s most influential leaders in education.
Tom Oxholm was inducted into the Wake County Public School System Hall of Fame in 2015.